3 Super Powers of the Womb

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3 Super Powers of the Womb that I’ve been enjoying exploring with my clients recently.

Shapeshifting with Shakti

I see the womb as a void space that can receive all matter of energies and bring them through. When I see a woman in her full shakti power I know she isn’t afraid to meet the unknown of her womb space. She’s not cultivating her sexuality by utilising manipulative psychology, she merely meeting the quiet open space of her womb and letting in a myriad of archetypal energies that work with her spirit to animate her full aliveness.

Learning to work with this super power is ideal for women who are desiring more range or wanting to access different aspects of their being for business, family, or relationship. As well as those feeling insecure in their sexuality or aging process, women transitioning from mother to maga, women feeling stuck in their masculine or out of touch with their deep feminine wisdom.


Once you learn to open to these archetypal energies the power can feel intoxicating. For some women it’s as if they are doing the bidding of a higher being like a deity or a goddess. It can sometimes get confusing what is you and what is moving through you. I often help women who feel burnt out by following their deepest callings and help them recognise the power of their simple humanness is equal to the power of eros/shakti/life that they channel and harness. I believe this is where real radiance truly integrates.

For others the need for transmutation shows up as an inability to let the energy move through the womb centre, it gets stuck in the head and eats up a lot of their energy and can cause anxiety.

A woman grounded in her womb is not anxious or depressed, she’s present and centred.

For others it shows up as an open relating issue, or a loss of energy when they sleep with any man. This is often when a woman is taking on a lot of external energies but hasn’t learnt to anchor back into the quiet, fertile emptiness of the womb. Uhhh the silence when we hit this place is sooo delicious. I can’t even begin to explain.

Learning this is ideal for women who feel full up of others peoples ideas, beliefs, energy, are unable to come into full presence, feel they get taken out by processing data or their oracular knowing is having them loose their personal joys.

Lastly there is Gestation.

Gestation, Coming from the word genrere, meaning to carry. For me this super power represents the ability to choose what stays and what goes. Receiving the gifts of life’s experiences, sexual and otherwise and holding these transmissions as they integrate into your life.

This is imperative for growth. Growth of an actual life (a baby), spiritual gifts and life skills.

Working with this skill is ideal for women who experience money falling through their fingers, not being able to carry a project all the way through to completion, desiring a long term relationship that holds more than just companionship (yes I’m talking about those divine union vibes LOL) as well as repeated miscarriages.

There are so many ways you can work with the womb but I’ve been on a deep dive with this recently and the spiral is deliciously never ending. If you’d like to explore all or one of these in your life, reach out. I’d love to chat. 🧙‍♀️

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