In today’s world rest is something that we often think must be ‘earned’. Here at Yoni Elixir we think of rest as a crucial part of the feminine expression and by no means a luxury.
It is a radical shift in consciousness and I congratulate any woman who starts to claim this for herself. Moving away from the over striving, over giving, and over doing. Discovering the power of what it means to rest into your being.
Some of the challenge with rest is that we, as a society, have forgotten how to rest. If you’re feeling resonance with that please read on and discover what rest can look like in its many forms.
Physical Rest.
Giving your body a break.
It’s a radical notion to sleep with your tired instead of reaching for a coffee or stimulate to keep you awake in the day light hours. Next time you feel tired, see what happens when you just take a nap in the middle of the day.
Mental Rest.
Delete your apps on the weekend.
Leave your phone at home.
Practice some mindfulness meditations that allow the stimulation of the mind to drop off.
Emotional Rest.
Expressing yourself freely in a safe space.
Book a therapy session just to unravel life. Sometimes you don’t have to have a problem that needs fixing to receive emotional restoration.
Social Rest.
Take some alone time to recharge. Simply you, a bath and some Yoni Elixir.
Sensory Rest.
Take a break from all devices. Get out in nature and just use candle light after the sun goes down. Notice how much better you sleep.
Creative Rest.
Do art just for the sakes of art. Paint, draw, or find nature items and stick it together on a page. When we stop trying to make an end result beautiful magic happens in the process.
Spiritual Rest.
Pray, sing, meditate and self pleasure. Find the deeper meaning of life through devotional practices that uplift your spirit.
Finally make a date with rest. Schedule it in and recognise its importance by getting it to know it and its on going benefits.
Remember in a fast paced world making time for yourself to rest is one of the most liberating acts of self love.