How to use Yoni Elixir

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Yoni Elixir has 4 uses:

How to use Yoni Elixir

A lubricant in the bedroom. One of the fantastic things about the Yoni Elixir bottle  is that if you lay it down on your bed it won’t spill with its airtight pump. This means more spontaneity, more focus on your body and the capacity to stay in a trance like state!

Yoni Elixir can be used hair oil to hydrate dry and distressed hair. Just rub two squirts in to the scalp a couple of hours before washing your hair. You can also use a couple squirts on the ends of the hair post washing it and it will act as a serum for fluffy ends.

It can also be used as a massage oil, not only will this feel delicious, relaxing and enjoyable but it is filled with medicinal herbs that will penetrate the skin and work to reset and relax the body with such powerful herbs like ashwaganda and chamomile.

Lastly it can be used as a face moisturiser that’s best used right before bed to work with inflammation, redness, or dry skin. It can also be used as a primer before doing your make up. You will only need one squirt to experience the affects of that.

How will you use yours?

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