3 simple steps to unlock your pleasure

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Unlocking your pleasure is not an over night job. And it’s not going to come online just because you’ve met a good looking partner who’s great in bed. Your pleasure will come online when you breath, slow down and come into your body.

This means finding safety in the slowness, taking your pleasure and your wellness more seriously. Just like how you would put moisturiser on your face daily I’m inviting you to take this time with your yoni, the only different between your face and your yoni is you will need to take some deep breaths, go slowly and be fully present with her.

We’re really looking to wire your yoni for presence and connection. We want her feedback loop to be presence and connection = coming alive.

Your yoni is wired for aliveness, all she asks for is presence.

Check out this video below and find out the 3 major tools I’ve used with my clients to unlock their pleasure and connection to self.

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